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#1 Learning To Ask For God's Best

When we are born again... some People say that they gave their life To Jesus. Well, are you really sure About that? The truth is your life Was dead in other words, instead Of you giving your life to him you Received his life therefore, the life That you now possess after your Born again is Jesus life. 


That’s why In the bible it says all spiritual blessings Are in our spirit, and heavenly places Is in Jesus, and his life is in us Ephesians 1:3. You remember the old saying? When you’re thinking Or meditating on a positive are negative Thought, your mind leaves, and goes to The thing you’re meditating on the most. Well I got to say... whatever you’re thinking About the most is going to manifest into your Life. Most people say, "well I guess this is my Destiny, a bondage and poverty life." Now That is not God's best for your life because Bondage and poverty are evil, and God is A God of good.


Change your thinking, and your life will change. God tells us in Romans 12:1-2 and be not conformed To this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing Of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. You might say "Why do we have to renew our minds with the word Of God?" Well 1. Who is the word? The word is Jesus because The bible talks about Jesus from the beginning to the Ending. 2. Remember when I said that whatever you Meditate on the most is going to manifest into your life. 3. God is for us, and we need him because in his word He’s trying to help us get to the place where we need to Be, so when you meditate on God’s word the most, what He said about the problem, and the promise then that’s Going to end up manifesting into your life, Gods best. Matthew 21:22. Ask, believe, and receive. Most people Do not know how to pray, and ask God for his best for Their lives. They might be afraid of saying the wrong words To God, or their just afraid to ask God for too much or Something to big, or maybe they feel that it's not possible. The bible says seek ye first the kingdom Of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be Added unto you. Matthew 6:33. What does it mean? It Means seek God's way of doing things, and everything Else will come. Jesus did not say that we have to be Without these things, but he says we must not put These things first. We must put the kingdom of God and His righteousness first in our lives on a consistent basis, Which is commitment to God, his kingdom, and his Purpose. Jesus said that if we do not run after mammon And make it our god, but, instead, serve the true God and Seek his kingdom and righteousness, then God will see to it That all the material and financial things we need are added To us. Pursuing money is such an awful strain, and it leads to So much frustration. Do not chase after money that is what Jesus says. Let money obey you. If you have followed the Right course in your life, then money will be added to you.


You do not have to lay awake at night or spend hours Hatching plans to get rich. Let’s get back to ask, believe, and Receive. Jesus said that if you ask anything in my 
Name that’s is in his will, he promise that he will do it. John 14:13. Owner God is a big God, and he loves to perform big Miracles, the things that people don't think can happen. With man this is impossible; but with God all things are Possible!


  •  Ask

There are a couple of movies I have seen, and the actors  are playing the role of a King. The Scorpion king, The Lion King, and Pharaoh. When the three kings are sitting on their thrones Watching all their servants work and help others, one of the Servants walks up to the throne, and bows down saying my King. Then the servant stands up and make his request known to his king. What is my point? My point is that, that’s the same thing we do When we pray, but on earth we pray. Praying is just like Bowing down to the Lord asking him to let his will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Praying is talking to your father face to Face. You pray so that God can move in your life and fix the situation. But if you don't tell God about the problem then he can't move without your permission. You do not have to bow down everywhere you go just to Pray, you can pray standing up, in your car, or when you’re at The store, and it doesn’t have to be out loud. You can even Whisper it are say it in your head. “Well how do I approach God In prayer?” By reading Matthew 6 read 9 through 13 will show you how. Always Thank God for the little things he has done for you, and also Pray for others like the homeless, the blind, the spiritually blind, and the sick. 

When I  Approach God in prayer I say,  "my heavenly father I Come to you in the name of Jesus Christ."  Then don't be afraid To talk to God, ask the Holy Spirit to help you say what you Desire to say. Make your request known, and make your Request big because what God has for you is bigger then Disneyland, and Disneyworld. Ephesians 3:20. You can’t Even dream about Gods best for your life because what he Has planned for you is higher than your dreams, but don’t be afraid To ask, and just remember God loves you and will do anything For you, Amen.

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