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       Filled with the Holy Spirit Prayer

      • Filled with the Holy Spirit Prayer Heavenly Father, I ask You to fill me with Your precious Holy Spirit. I ask You Lord, to help to me to present to others Your mercy through me when I exhibit the joy of the fruits of Your Holy Spirit including Your love, Your joy, Your peace, Your gentleness, Your goodness, Your meekness, Your faithfulness and Your self-control. I ask You Lord to cover me with Your presence, and to fill me and seal me with Your peace, character, and nature. I ask You to do all these things in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To God Be the Glory. Amen!


       Baptism of the Holy Spirit

      • Baptism of the Holy Spirit Heavenly Father, I come to You now in the Name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (Note - if two or more praying: Heavenly Father, _____ and I come to You in one accord in the Name of Christ Jesus of Nazareth. We come two or more in agreement touching heaven and earth and You said it will be done, so according to Matthew 18:19. We ask You in the Name of Jesus. Heavenly Father, I plead the Blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ over me and I thank You for the most wonderful gift of salvation. Lord Jesus You promised me another gift, the gift of the Holy Spirit. So I ask You Lord Jesus, to baptize and fill me in and with Your Holy Spirit, just as You filled Your disciples on the day of Pentecost. Christ Jesus, Breathe in me Your Holy Spirit. Thank You Lord for hearing my prayer. I lift up my hands unto You Jesus worshiping and praising You in the Spirit. I give thanks, praise, and glory to You forever with all my heart (s). Christ Jesus, I thank You that You may grant me out of the rich treasury of Your glory to be strengthened and reinforced with the mighty power of the Holy Spirit. That You, Jesus Christ, through my faith may dwell in my heart that I may be rooted deep in love and founded securely in Your love and grace, that I may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints what is the breadth, the length, the height and the depth of Your love. Ephesians 3:16-18 (AMP). I pray in Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen Thank You Lord Jesus that You have baptized me with Your Holy Spirit and fire. Luke 3:16. Thank You Lord Jesus that I am (we are) filled with Your Holy Spirit and begin to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gives us utterance. Acts 2:4. Thank You Lord that You poured out Your love into our hearts by Your Holy Spirit whom You have given us. Romans 5:5 Thank You Lord, that You, who know our hearts, bear witness to us, giving us the Holy Spirit. Acts 15:8. Thank You Lord that You anointed us with the Holy Spirit and with power, and we will go about doing good, and healing all who are oppressed by the devil; for You are with us. Acts 10:38. “I baptize you with water. But one more powerful than I will come, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Luke 3:16.


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