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       Prayer Binding and Loosing

      • Prayer Binding and Loosing Heavenly Father, according to Matthew 16 and 18, I thank you that whatsoever I shall bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven and whatsoever I loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven. In the Name of Jesus and with the authority that You, Lord have given me, I bind all of satan’s evil efforts, evil principalities, powers and rulers of wickedness in high places (Eph 6:12). Heavenly Father, Your Word says that You are my Deliverer (Psalms 91, and Matthew 6) and I ask that You give me total deliverance from anything that is not of you, Lord Jesus. Heavenly Father, I ask You to give me divine healing, divine health, and the manifestation of every miracle and every healing that you have ever had for me according to John 16:23. May all things done through me be used to glorify You, Heavenly Father. To God Be the Glory. Amen!


       Prayers for Freedom from any Stronghold in Our Lives

      • Prayer of Freedom from Any Strongholds in Our Lives Heavenly Father, I come to You now in the Name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father, I bow and worship before You. I come to You with praise and with thanksgiving. I come to You in humility, in fear, in trembling and seeking truth. I come to You in gratitude, in love, and through the precious Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ. I ask You, Heavenly Father to bind any Strongholds of ___, ____, that are interfering with my relationship with You, Heavenly Father. I ask You Lord to keep me strong that I will not allow these Strongholds to come back into my life after You Lord have delivered me from them. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen


       Prayer to Keep Strongholds Away After They are Gone

      • Prayer to Keep Strongholds Away After They Are Gone Heavenly Father, I come to You now in the Name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father, I am standing on the truth of Your Word. You said You would give me the Keys to the Kingdom, that whatsoever I would bind on earth would be bound in heaven and whatsoever I would loose on earth would be loosed in heaven according to Matthew 16 and 18. Right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I bind my will to the Will of God that I will be constantly aware of Your Will and purpose for my life. I bind myself to the truth of God that I will not be deceived by the many subtle worldly deceptions. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I bind myself to the Blood of Jesus. I want to be constantly aware of the Blood of Jesus’ miracle working power to restore and heal and keep me safe. I bind my mind to the mind of Christ that I will be aware of how Jesus Christ would have me think and believe. I want to think and act as Jesus would have me act. I bind my feet to paths of righteousness that my steps will be steady and true all day long. I bind myself to the work of the cross in my life so that I will continue to die daily to my own selfish desires and motivations and be more like Jesus. I repent of every wrong desire, attitude and pattern of thinking I have had. Forgive me, Heavenly Father, for holding onto wrong ideas, desires, behaviors and habits according to 1 John 1:9. I loose the strongholds around me that would keep me from being completely surrendered to the will of God for my life. I loose all doubt and confusion from myself. I have bound my mind to the mind of Christ and I loose every wrong thought that will keep me from being in sweet unity with You. I bind and loose these things in the Name of Jesus Christ, who has given me the keys to do so. Amen!


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