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A Servant's Heart  Part 2


True servanthood is doing the will of God from your heart. In order for God's life (His will) to be expressed through you, you must lay your life (your will) down. God's will for your life supersedes the plans, purposes and pursuits you have designed for yourself. Laying your will down is an act of service to God; and you will reap a great reward.



  • Each of us has received a gift, a spiritual endowment from God to be used to serve Him (1 Peter 4:10, AMP).

    God has commanded you to serve your earthly masters as service to Him (Ephesians 6:5-8).

    You must discover the path for your life, not choose it for yourself.

    Your gifts are to be used to serve others; they aren't just for you.

    Don't just use your talents in the world; use them to serve the body of Christ in the church.

    You are a steward over the gifts God has given you.

    A steward is a manager, not an owner.

    Use your gifts to benefit the owner, who is God.

  • True servanthood is determined by your heart.It is possible to serve in church for a lifetime without ever being a servant.

    Obtain that which makes a servant—a servant's heart.

    You don't need more of God, He needs more of you.

    What have you withheld from God?

    Give God all you have.

  • You must die to your self interests if you want to be a servant of God (John 12:24-26).

    A seed falls to the ground and dies. If it didn't, you would never see the fruit of the seed.

    If you plant your life like a seed, then God's life will be expressed through you.

    When you let your life die, then you become a servant.

    A man's life equals his will.

    God's life is God's will.

    God cannot live through you until your life dies.

    When you persist on pursuing your will over God's will for your life, you demonstrate selfishness.

    Your will for your life must die so God's will can live.

    Your will must be treated like a seed that is planted so you can see the harvest.

    Example: If you plant corn seed, you will get a harvest of corn.

    People are afraid because they think that doing God's will won't be as fulfilling as what they want to do.

    When you insist on living your life your way, you limit God's abundant life (zo?) from flowing.

    You'll never know God's will for your life until you cancel your plans for your life.You fight a losing battle when you run from the will of God for your life.

    God's will is so much better than your own.

    God knows what's best for your life better than you do.

    Every time you try to live your life your way, you hinder Christ from living through you.

    Often, people call themselves Christians yet hold on to their lives. They never ask God, "What do You want me to do with my life?"

    Check with your Creator to see what He wants you to do.

    God will show you what your gifts and talents are, and how to use them.

    When you plant your life as a seed, by faith, God will reveal what He wants you to do.

    Are you willing to release your will, even if your plans look like the best course of action to take?

  • Become like Jesus who pursued the will of God, even though His emotions didn't want to (Mark 14:32-36).When Jesus faced His death on the cross, His feelings rebelled against what He had to face.

    Jesus pressed on to fulfill the Father's will for His life.

    Had Jesus not completed His assignment, the world would not have the opportunity to receive salvation.

    Sometimes, we want God to take some things away from us (things we don't want to do, or challenges we face), but those things may be there to strengthen our character and prepare us for our next level.

  • Trust God with your life.

    God's will is always going to be better than your will—no matter what it looks like.

    Worship God by obeying Him.

    Abraham called what God told him to do, worship ((Genesis 22:1-5).

    Real worship is laying down your will to provide a platform for God's will.

    Are you trying to impress people who don't even care about you, rather than doing God's will?

    If you are faced with choosing between God and anybody else, including family, choose God (Luke 14:26-35).

    God will restore everything you've lost when you trust Him.

    Trusting God makes things better, not worse.

    God will honor those who serve Him (John 12:26).

  • Your life does not consist of the things you possess.Although the rich man acquired a lot of things, he did not have a thriving relationship with God (Luke 12:16-21).

    Are you rich in material resources, but spiritually poor?


Scripture References


  • 1 Peter 4:10, AMP

  • Ephesians 6:5-8

  • John 12:24-26

  • Mark 14:32-36

  • Genesis 22:1-5

  • Luke 14:25-35

  • Luke 12:16-21

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