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Our Vision

As christens our vision is to go out into the world, bring the table, and feed the ones who have beenwaiting for the truth about the true living God. It’s ok to feed the already fed, but what about the ones who are starving for the truth about God, and his word? My vision is to show my friends, family, and others that God truly does love us unconditionally. He desires for everyone to get saved and enter into heaven. I made this amazing website so people who are lost walking around in fear thinking that God hates them can finally see the truth, that God doesn’t hate no one, and he’s not mad at no one John 3:16.


I am working on a powerful book called don’t be afraid, and I believe that this book will bring many people back to God, and back to his word. This book is about God's love for us, and it explains what he is trying to tell us in his powerful word that can bring you out of darkness and bring you into the light. In my heart I truly believe that my new book will catch the whole world’s attention. It's time for real christians to come out and be bold and trust in the Lord.

Our Mission

As people called by God, we gather to praise God, listen to him, and respond. We nurture each other in faith and obedience to Christ. We love and care for one another as God's people. We commit ourselves to serve and to tell others about Jesus. We pursue God's justice and peace in every area of life.

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