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Prayer for a Single Christian

Prayer for the Single Christian

Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus, I come boldly before your throne of grace confessing Your Word over my life as a single Christian. I pray that you will help me to live a godly life as I struggle in the world being single. Help me Lord to live a life that is holy, sanctified and set aside for your purpose, prepared to do your good work. I confess your word, that as a single Christian; my life is crucified with You Lord, nevertheless I live; yet it's not I that live but it’s You Lord that lives through me; and the life I now live in the flesh as a single Christian. I declare that I will live by faith, power and the strength of Your Son, Jesus Christ that died for all my sins (Galatians 2:20). Father, you said that you would never leave me alone and I trust in your promise that you will fellowship with me every day through the Comforter, the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:20). I pray Lord, when I get lonely may you, through the Holy Spirit be the One who consoles me (Hebrews 13:5). May you be my closest friend. Help me Lord to come to you first when I need someone to talk to. As I talk to you I ask that you will speak back to my heart. I pray Lord for godly friends and acquaintances that will be an encouragement to me to continue to love and serve you. Keep me away from those who would draw me away from You Lord. You know my heart and as a single Christian I ask that you help me to not be drawn into any sexual temptation, fornication, adultery, immorality or perversion (1 Corinthians 10:13). Father, help me to rebuke the devil if he tries to mislead my mind into thinking that the single Christian life is boring, incomplete or unfulfilling. I pray to You, Heavenly Father that through all the days of my being single that you will help me to see my life as joyous, exciting and fully complete in You Lord. I will trust in you to decide if I am to remain a single Christian as I keep my eyes on you and trust in your will for my life. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen


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