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 Pray for the Caretaker Struggling with Past Bitterness


Prayer for the Caretaker Struggling With Past Bitterness
Heavenly Father, Thank you for being my strength daily. You know the past between _______ and me, the abusive way they treated me. Yet, now I find myself caring for their needs, as they can no longer care for themselves. You've seen the bitterness and resentment that rises up in my heart at times. Sometimes the enemy comes to torment me with memories from the past. Lord, there have been times when I just wanted to walk away and be done with caring for _______. In Your word it says blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. (Matt. 5:7) Lord, I wish to always be merciful to _______, not just for my sake but for your name's sake. It is written in Matthew 6:15 that if I don't forgive others the Father will not forgive me. Help me Lord to be like You, kind, tender hearted and forgiving. (Eph. 4:32) I know your word says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Phil. 4:13) I thank you that as I stand on your word, I can claim the victory now. I am willing to be changed into your likeness, and that's what I want _______ and all others to see in me, Jesus with skin on. In Jesus name, amen.

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