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 Prayer of Deliverance From Addictions For the Believer


Dear Heavenly Father, I stand in faith on the authority I have as a believer in Jesus Christ, and a co-heir to His kingdom. We know Lord that You are the only answer. We know Lord that the enemy comes to steal our lives, to kill and destroy our families. In the name of Jesus Christ, I commit my life to You Jesus to destroy every plan the enemy has to keep me in this addiction. God’s Word says that God has plans for good and not evil (Jeremiah 29:11) for me and I claim God’s plan for my life right now. You have given me all authority through Jesus Christ to execute this judgment on all the forces that want me to stay in this addiction (Psalm 149:5-9). Your Word says that the adversaries of the Lord shall be broken in pieces in Your perfect timing, and will bring salvation, restoration and healing to me (Samuel 2:10). O Lord, with each new day, help me to be strong and continue to trust you. Bring into my eyes and heart an honesty that sees my true situation and find strength in your goodness and guidance. I declare release from my addiction and receive my renewed joy in living from this day forward (Psalms 21:1-3). Let me not be ashamed for I put my trust in You. Cleanse my mind of all darkness and fill it with love and light. Almighty God, You sent Jesus to set the captives free (Isaiah 61). I know Your power and I know Your might. I ask that You deliver me from all addictions and bondages that has kept me from my relationship with you and from being and doing my best. I know Lord that You and only You can and will deliver me from this evil addiction. Help me to arm myself with strength and hope. Help those around me to give me sound and Godly advice. I believe in miracles and according to Your Word in Psalms 149:5-9 because You are my deliverer. Heavenly Father, I ask that You send Your angelic warriors to drive back this stronghold of addiction. To God be the Glory. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen

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