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Your life must be based solely on the Word of God, not your feelings or experiences. In order to grow up spiritually, your spirit must feed on the Word until it changes the way you think. As you act on the Word that you hear and meditate on, you will demonstrate the behavior of a mature Christian.

Growing Up Spiritually.

I Smile - Kirk Franklin
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            A Word From God!


God has been teaching me about his unfailing love for me, and I would like to share it with you all because this is not just for me, but for all Amen!


One time I asked him, "Lord why do you love me so much"? He said, "Melvin when a mother conceived a Child, the mother falls deep in love with her Child because the child comes from her, or out of her. The child is a duplicate of the mother."


Likewise, I am love, and I took a peace of Love (himself) and created love (us) for the purpose of love. You are mine said the Lord. I Love myself, and I took a piece of myself and made you. That's why I wait for them (Unbelievers) to come to me.


I am not in a hurry. They are mine creation, and I love them. I want them saved, born again, and filled with my spirit. My kingdom is large. Now Melvin, go and tell them this truth that The kingdom of heaven is at hand. (change their thinking and come back home.) Melvin I will be with thee.


Isaiah 41:10

1 John 4:16

Acts 17:28

Genesis 1:26-27

2 Peter 3:9

Mark 1:15

Jesus Beating.


How to Study the Bible - Joyce Meyer

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