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Jesus is coming back soon, and the signs of the times clearly point to this monumental event. Matthew Chapter 24 is playing out on the world stage, and we must discern the seriousness of the times in which we live. Now more than ever, we must reach out to those who are unsaved and share the Gospel message of salvation. Talking to people about Jesus is the best thing we can do for others. It could be your words that will cause someone to turn away from a life of sin and secure an eternal future in heaven. Soul winning is something every Christian has been commissioned to do. In Mark 16:15, Jesus tells His disciples to “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” If we profess to be Christians, then we, too, must also take advantage of every opportunity to preach the Gospel to people. It is through the preaching of the Gospel that faith in Jesus Christ will come. You may be saying to yourself, I’m no preacher, and I get nervous when talking to complete strangers. Keep in mind that soul winning encompasses many different methods. It’s not always about approaching complete strangers, although there may be times when the Lord leads you to do that. Soul winning also includes sharing Jesus with people in your immediate circle of family and friends, as well as allowing your Christian lifestyle to draw people to the Lord. Many times, people look more at your behavior and the things you do than the many words you speak. A life that is submitted to Christ speaks volumes to others and sets you apart from worldliness. When people see consistency in the way your beliefs align with your behavior, it shows them what Christianity is all about. There are also times when the Holy Spirit will direct you to speak to a stranger or give someone you don’t know a timely Word from the Lord. Remaining sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and being obedient, could mean the difference between an eternity in heaven or hell for someone else. Sometimes the Lord will ask us to do things that are out of our comfort zones for the sake of His Kingdom. His ultimate concern is for people, and making sure they do not go to hell after they die. Those who do not make Jesus Christ the Lord of their lives are in danger of eternal separation from God. There are many people who have heard about Jesus and rejected Him, and there are also those who have never had the opportunity to accept Him. Regardless of the circumstances, to live a life without knowing Jesus Christ only leads to one place. For this reason, Christians must take the call to win souls very seriously and use every available opportunity to share the truth about salvation. I want to encourage you to examine your heart to determine if you can do more for God’s Kingdom in this vital area. Many lives hang in the balance, and for those of us who know the truth, we must not shy away from sharing it with others. Allow the love and compassion of God to create a sincere fervency in your heart where soul winning is concerned. Not only will you help make a difference in someone else’s life, but you will experience the joy that comes from knowing you helped fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission to the body of Christ.

Soul Winning for Jesus!

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