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The Truth About Easter


Christians recognize Easter by honoring the day our Lord Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead. The holiday often involves a traditional church service, with a resurrection-themed message, along with other traditions such as giving Easter baskets, filled with colorful, decorated eggs and candy; stuffed Easter bunnies; and egg hunts for children. There are many questions about Easter, such as: Is Easter Sunday truly the day when Jesus rose from the dead? Where did all the strange customs come from, which have nothing to do with the resurrection of Jesus? We need to know the answers to these questions.

The first thing we should know is that professing Christians were not the only ones who celebrated a festival called “Easter.” The word easter is actually a derivative of the word “Ishtar,” which was a day on which many people who practiced pagan religion commemorated the resurrection of one of the gods they worshiped, named “Tammuz.” This god was believed to be the offspring of their moon-goddess and sun-god.

In biblical times, there was a man named Nimrod, who was the grandson of Noah’s son Ham. Nimrod married his own mother and became a powerful king. In fact, the people over whom Nimrod ruled elevated him to the status of “god-man.” His wife and mother, Semiramis, became the powerful queen of ancient Babylon.

Nimrod was eventually killed, and his body was cut into pieces and sent to various parts of his kingdom. However, the part of his body that could not be found was his reproductive organs. Semiramis claimed that Nimrod could not come back to life without them and told the people of Babylon that he had ascended to the sun and was now to be called “Baal,” the sun god. Queen Semiramis also proclaimed that Baal should be worshiped.

This woman was essentially creating a pagan religion and setting herself up as a goddess on the earth. She claimed that she came down from the moon in a giant moon egg that fell into the Euphrates River and that her “birth” took place at the time as the first full moon after the spring equinox. Semiramis became known as “Ishtar,” which is pronounced “Easter,” and her moon egg became known as “Ishtar’s egg.” This is where the central theme of eggs originated in connection with the Easter holiday.

Ishtar soon became pregnant and claimed that it was the rays of the sun-god Baal that caused her to conceive. She named her son Tammuz, and it was believed that he was especially fond of rabbits. As a result, the animal became sacred in this ancient pagan religion.

Worshipers of this religion were taught to meditate on the sacred mysteries of Baal and Tammuz and to celebrate on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox. This was considered “Ishtar’s Sunday” and was celebrated with rabbits and eggs.

The truth is that the traditional Easter celebration that many of us grew up practicing actually has nothing to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ! In fact, eggs, rabbits, and hot cross buns have everything to do with an ancient pagan religion that is based on idol worship. For this reason, we should make sure we understand what we are actually celebrating. Jesus came to the earth and died for our sins so that we may have eternal, abundant life. Our worship belongs to the one and only true God. Therefore, instead of celebrating Easter Sunday, as the body of Christ, we celebrate Resurrection Sunday. Take the time to explain these truths to your family and children so they will know the truth about “Easter.



The Gift of His Resurrection


Jesus came to the earth and died for our sins so that we may have eternal, abundant life. Our worship belongs to the one and only true God. Therefore, instead of celebrating Easter Sunday, as the body of Christ, we celebrate Resurrection Sunday.

Resurrected for Our Righteousness

Most of us believe that Easter is a time to commemorate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. However, it is vital to realize that the purpose for His life, death, and resurrection dates back to the Fall of Man.

When Adam disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, he fell from his rightful place in God. Consequently, sin and death were introduced into the world (Romans 5:12). Adam’s disobedience caused sin to infect every generation after him. He took on the devil’s nature by sinning. Therefore, he no longer possessed God’s nature.

However, God had a backup plan. That plan was to restore man to his rightful place of sonship with God. Adam was the god of the earth. He possessed everything he could have ever wanted. He was given authority to rule and reign over all of God’s handiwork—animals, planets, stars, you name it (Psalm 8:4-9). Unfortunately, things changed when sin entered the picture.

That’s where Jesus comes in. The Bible says, “He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8). Jesus was born to destroy the devil’s work, which includes sin, sickness, poverty, and spiritual death.

Jesus shed His blood so that you and I could live free from the works of the devil (Luke 4:18). Because of His death and resurrection, a poor man doesn’t have to be poor anymore! A sick man doesn’t have to be sick anymore! A blind man doesn’t have to be blind anymore! Jesus died for those who are not saved so they could have an opportunity to become born again and live the good life that God predestined them to live (Ephesians 2:10, The Amplified Bible).

Jesus’ resurrection guarantees us the right to be made righteous and restored to our rightful place as sons of God, in right-standing with Him (John 1:12; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 John 3:1-2). And because those who are saved have been declared righteous, they have a right to repent and to be forgiven and cleansed of all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). God completely wipes the slate clean when it comes to our sins.

Acts 13:39 says, “Through [Jesus] everyone who believes [acknowledges Jesus as his Savior and devotes himself to Him] is absolved (cleared and freed) from every charge” (AMP). As far as heaven is concerned, we’re not guilty of sinning against the Father.

The bottom line is that Jesus was resurrected for our righteousness and total life prosperity—spirit, soul, and body. Now that’s worth celebrating!

Blessed not Cursed


 Jesus’ redemptive work on the cross was so powerful because it set humanity free from the curse on so many levels. There were specific things He endured during the time leading up to His crucifixion and during His execution that provided the avenues for you and me to partake of the blessing of God. Where Adam and Eve failed in the Garden of Eden, Jesus provided the answer. He was scourged with a cat-o’-nine tails so that we could be healed of all sickness, disease, and infirmities. Among the many things Jesus endured for us was the crown of thorns that was placed on His head. It was through the blood that poured from His head that the blessing of God was made available to us in exchange for the curse of sin and death. 

            Religious depictions of this horrifying ordeal do not adequately provide understanding about what was taking place when Jesus was crowned with thorns. It wasn’t just a random method of torture, but it also had deep spiritual significance. Matthew 27:27-31 describes what happened to Jesus at the hands of the Roman soldiers:                  
           Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall, and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers. And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe. And when they had plaited a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews! And they spit upon him, and took the reed, and smote him on the head. And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him, and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him. 
            It is important to understand the significance of the crown of thorns being placed on Jesus’ head. The head is the seat of a man’s life, and it also is the point of contact on which the blessing is pronounced. Whenever someone receives the blessing via another anointed man or woman of God, it falls on the head. Similarly, when a curse rests on a person’s life, it rests on the head. 
             Jesus endured the torture of the thorny crown for a specific reason. The thorns represent the curse: all the frustrations, difficulties, defeats, afflictions, and sorrows of life. Jesus absorbed everything that took place in the Garden of Eden as a result of Adam and Eve’s sin. He shed blood through His head in order for the curse of sin and death to be nullified in our lives, enabling us to receive the blessing instead. The blood was payment for every curse that could invade our lives. Jesus paid for us to be delivered from the curse, and we are now blessed from the crown of our heads to the soles of our feet because of what He did for us.
            Galatians 3:13, 14 says, “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.” 
              Isn’t it exciting to know that through Jesus’ sacrifice we have been delivered from the curse and everything associated with it? That is good news! We are no longer subject to the torment of the enemy and his oppression. We have access to the blessing of God which enables us to live free from sin, sickness, poverty, emotional and mental torment, lack, and spiritual bondage. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are blessed! Jesus paid the price, now all you have to do is believe it and receive it!

Jesus Beating

Jesus Crucifixion


What Is The Truth About



The Bible tells us in Titus 2:11, AMP, “For the grace of God (His unmerited favor and blessing) has come forward (appeared) for the deliverance from sin and the eternal salvation for all mankind.” The grace of God has made the gift of salvation available to everyone, not just the people who attend church. This includes you! There’s nothing you can do to earn salvation. All you have to do is receive it by faith. Romans 10:9, AMP, says, “Because if you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe (adhere to, trust in, and rely on the truth) that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Giving your life to Christ is the best and most important decision you’ll ever make. So, if you'd like to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Personal Savior, pray this simple prayer right now:


Prayer of Salvation


Lord Jesus Christ, I acknowledge that I am a sinner. I repent for my sins and I ask You to come into my life and forgive me of all my sins. I receive my forgiveness now. I denounce my past and the life that I have lived. I believe with all my heart and confess with my mouth that You died on the cross, shed Your precious blood for me, and that God raised You from the dead. I ask You to come into my heart and be the Lord of my life. Thank You for saving me, filling me with Your Spirit, and writing my name in the Lamb’s book of life! I pray this prayer to the Father, in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Congratulations! You are now a member of the Body of Christ, and membership has its privileges! Your salvation “package” includes healing, deliverance from anything that has kept you bound, prosperity, safety, a sound mind, and everything you’ll ever need to live a fulfilling, rewarding, abundant life! More than anything, you get to enjoy a close, intimate relationship with your Heavenly Father who created you and loves you totally and completely! You are forever sealed as God’s beloved child (Romans 10:9, 10). You now have eternal life! Heaven is your future home! Hallelujah!












la Biblia nos dice en Tito 2:11, AMP, "por la gracia de Dios (su favor inmerecido y bendición) ha venido (aparecido) para la liberación del pecado y la salvación eterna para toda la humanidad." La gracia de Dios pone a disposición el regalo de la salvación a todos, no sólo las personas que asisten a la iglesia. Esto incluye a ti! No hay nada que puedas hacer para ganar la salvación. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es recibirlo por fe. Romanos 10:9, AMP, dice, "porque si usted reconoce y confiesas con tu boca que Jesús es el señor y en tu corazón creer (se adhieren a confiar en y confiar en la verdad) que Dios le levantó de los muertos, serás salvo." Dando su vida a Cristo es la decisión mejor y más importante que jamás hará. Entonces, si desea recibir a Jesucristo como su señor y Salvador Personal, esta oración simple ahora:


Oración de salvación


Señor Jesucristo, reconozco que soy un pecador. Me arrepiento de mis pecados y te pido que entra en mi vida y perdonarme de todos mis pecados. Ahora recibo mi perdón. Denuncio mi pasado y la vida que he vivido. Creo con todo mi corazón y confieso con mi boca que moriste en la Cruz, derramar tu preciosa sangre para mí, y que Dios le levantó de los muertos. Invito a entrar en mi corazón y el señor de mi vida. Gracias por salvarme, llenarme de tu espíritu y escribir mi nombre en el libro del cordero de la vida! Esta oración al padre, en nombre de Jesús. Amén.



¡ Felicidades! Ahora es un miembro del cuerpo de Cristo, y ser miembro tiene sus privilegios! Tu salvación "paquete" incluye sanación, liberación de cualquier cosa que te ha mantenido atado, prosperidad, seguridad, una mente sana y todo lo que necesita para vivir una vida plena, gratificante y abundante! Más que nada, se llega a disfrutar de una relación estrecha, íntima con tu padre celestial que te creó y te ama total y completamente! Quedan sellados para siempre como hijo amado de Dios (Romanos 10:9, 10). Ahora tienes la vida eterna! El cielo es su futuro hogar! ¡ Aleluya!












Prière du Salut en français. 

La Bible nous dit dans Tite 2:11, AMP, «Car la grâce de Dieu (Son de faveur imméritée et la bénédiction) est venu vers l'avant (paru) pour la délivrance du péché et du salut éternel pour toute l'humanité." Le grâce de Dieu a fait le don du salut à la disposition de tout le monde, pas seulement les personnes qui fréquentent l'église. Cela vous comprend! Il n'y a rien que vous pouvez faire pour gagner le salut. Tout ce que vous avez à faire est de le recevoir par la foi. Romains 10: 9, AMP, dit, "Parce que si vous reconnaissez et confesses de ta bouche que Jésus est Seigneur et dans ton cœur croit (respecter, la confiance dans, et se appuient sur la vérité) que Dieu l'a ressuscité des morts, tu sera sauvé. "Donner à votre vie au Christ est la meilleure et la plus importante décision que vous ferez jamais. Donc, si vous souhaitez recevoir Jésus-Christ comme votre Seigneur et Sauveur personnel, cette simple prière en ce moment:


Prière du Salut


Seigneur Jésus-Christ, je reconnais que je suis un pécheur. Je me repens de mes péchés et je te demande de venir dans ma vie et me pardonner tous mes péchés. Je reçois mon pardon maintenant. Je dénonce mon passé et la vie que je ai vécu. Je crois de tout mon cœur et avoue avec ma bouche que tu es mort sur la croix, verser votre sang précieux pour moi, et que Dieu vous a ressuscité des morts. Je vous demande de venir dans mon cœur et le Seigneur de ma vie. Merci de me avoir sauvé, me remplir de ton Esprit, et écrire mon nom dans le livre de l'Agneau de la vie! Je prie cette prière au Père, au nom de Jésus. Amen.


Félicitations! Vous êtes maintenant un membre du Corps du Christ, et l'adhésion a ses privilèges! Votre salut "package" comprend guérison, la délivrance de tout ce qui a gardé vous lié, la prospérité, la sécurité, un esprit sain, et tout ce dont vous aurez besoin pour vivre une, enrichissante, épanouissante vie abondante! Plus que tout, vous profitez, une relation intime étroite avec votre Père céleste qui vous a créés et vous aime totalement et complètement! Vous êtes toujours scellés comme enfant bien-aimé de Dieu (Romains 10: 9, 10). Vous avez maintenant la vie éternelle! Le ciel est votre future maison! Alléluia!












התנ ך אומר לנו בטיטוס 2:11, מגבר, "על חסדו של אלוהים (שלו טובה unmerited וגם ברכה) התייצב (הופיע) הגאולה מן החטא והישועה נצחי על המין האנושי." חסדו של אלוהים הפך את מתנת הישועה זמין לכולם, לא רק על האנשים שישתתפו הכנסייה. זה כולל גם אותך! אין שום דבר שאתה יכול לעשות כדי להרוויח ישועה. כל שעליך לעשות הוא לקבל אותו על ידי אמונה. אל הרומיים 10-9, מגבר, אומר, "כי אם אתה מתוודה עם השפתיים ומסכים אשר ישוע הוא האדון, בלב שלך מאמין (לדבוק, אמון, ולהסתמך על האמת) כי אלוהים הקים אותו מן המתים, אתה..." לתת את חייך המשיח הוא ההחלטה הטובה ביותר והחשוב ביותר שאי פעם תעשה. אז, אם תרצה לקבל את ישוע המשיח בתור האדון והמושיע האישי שלך, להתפלל תפילה פשוטה זו כרגע:


תפילה להינצל


האדון ישוע המשיח, ידוע לי כי אני חוטא. אני מתחרט על החטאים שלי, ביקשתי ממך להכנס לחיים שלי וסלח לי על כל החטאים שלי. אני מקבל את הסלחנות שלי עכשיו. אני להוקיע את העבר ואת החיים בהן חייתי. אני מאמין בכל ליבי ולהתוודות עם הפה שלי שאתה מת על הצלב, שפך את דמו היקר שלך בשבילי, אלוהים גידל אותך מן המתים. אבקש ממך לבוא אל תוך לבי ולהיות אדון החיים שלי- תודה לך על שהצלת אותי, ממלא אותי עם הרוח שלך, לרשום את שמי בספר של הכבש של החיים! אני מתפלל תפילה זו של אבא, בשמו של ישו. . אמן.


מזל טוב! . אתה עכשיו חבר, גופו של ישו, הלו! הגאולה "חבילה" כולל ריפוי, הגאולה מן משהו מנע את מאוגדים, שגשוג בטיחות, בדעתו, כל מה שאי פעם תזדקק כדי לחיות חיים מלאים, מתגמלת, בשפע! יותר מכל דבר אחר, אתה מקבל ליהנות יחסים קרוב, אינטימי עם אביכם שבשמים אשר יצרתי אותך ואוהב אותך בהחלט! אתה חתומות לעד בתור ילד אהוב האל (10-9, אל הרומיים 10). כעת יש לך חיי נצח! גן עדן הוא ביתך בעתיד! אמרו הללויה!












聖書は、「(彼の身に余る好意と祝福)は罪と全人類のための永遠の救いから救出のために(出演)先に来ています。神の恵みは、「神の恵みが持っている、タイタス​​2時11分、AMPに教えてくれる皆、教会に出席していないだけの人が利用可能な救いの贈り物をした。これは含まれています!あなたは救いを得るためにできることは何もありません。あなたがしなければならないのは、信仰によってそれを受け取るです。ローマ10:9、あなたは神が死者の中からよみがえらせていることを認め、信じてイエスは主であることをあなたの唇で告白し、あなたの心に(に準拠し、信頼、そして真実に依存している)場合にはのでAMPは、「言う、あなた保存されます。「キリス トにあなたの人生を与えるあなたがこれまで作ってあげる最良かつ最も重要な決定である。あなたがあなたの主と個人救い主としてイエス·キリストを受け取りたいのであれば、今すぐにこの単純な祈りを祈る。




主イエスキリストは、私が罪人だということを認める。私は私の罪のために悔い改めて、私は私の人生に来て、私のすべての罪を私を許しをお願いする。私は今、私の許しを受ける。私は私の過去と私が生きてきた人生を非難。私はすべての私の心を信じて、あなたが十字架上で死んだ私の口で告白し、私のためにあなたの貴重​​な血を流し、そして神は死者からあなたを引き上げていること。私は私の心の中に来て、私の人生の主であることをお願いす る。 、私を節約あなたの精神で私を満たし、そして人生の子羊の本の中で私の名前を書いていただきありがとうございます!私はイエスの名、父にこの祈りを祈る。アーメン。


おめでとう!これで、キリストの体のメンバーであり、会員数は、その権限を持っている!あなたの救い "パッケージには、「癒し、バインドされたあなたを維持しているものから救出、繁栄、安全、健全な心、そしてあなたが充実し、やりがいのある、豊かな生活をする必要がありますすべてのものが含まれています!何よりも、あなたはあなたを作成し、完全に、完全にあなたを愛し、あなたの天の父との緊密な、親密な関係を楽しむために取得!あなたは永遠に神の最愛の子(:9、10ローマ10)として封入されている。これで、永遠の命を持っている!天はあなたの未来の家です!ハレルヤ!












Sinasabi ng Bibliya sa amin sa Titus 2:11, amp, "Sapagka't ang biyaya ng Diyos (Ang kanyang hindi tampat pabor at pagpapala) ay dumating pasulong (lumabas) para sa pagpapalaya mula sa kasalanan at ang walang hanggang kaligtasan para sa lahat ng sangkatauhan." Ang biyaya ng Diyos ay ginawa ang regalo ng kaligtasan magagamit sa lahat ng tao, hindi lang ang mga tao na dumalo sa simbahan. Kasama mo ito! Wala ang maaari mong gawin upang kumita ng kaligtasan ay. Ang kailangan mo lang gawin ay matatanggap ito sa pamamagitan ng pananampalataya. Roma 10: 9, amp, sinasabi, "Dahil kung kinikilala at aminin sa iyong mga labi na si Jesus ay Panginoon at sa iyong puso naniniwala (sumunod sa, pinagkakatiwalaan, at umasa sa katotohanan) na itinaas sa Kanya ng Diyos mula sa patay, mo Mase-save. "Ang pagbibigay ng iyong buhay sa Kristo ay ang pinakamahusay at pinaka-mahalagang desisyon makikita mo kailanman gumawa. Kaya, kung nais mong makatanggap ng Jesu-Cristo bilang iyong Panginoon at Tagapagligtas Personal, manalangin ito simpleng panalangin ngayon:


Panalangin ng Kaligtasan


Panginoong Hesukristo, kinikilala ko na ako ay isang makasalanan. Magsisi ako para sa aking mga kasalanan at hinihiling ko mong dumating sa aking buhay at patawarin mo ako sa lahat ng aking mga kasalanan. Nakatanggap ako ang aking kapatawaran ngayon. Tumuligsa ko ang aking nakaraan at ang buhay na ako nanirahan. Naniniwala ako sa lahat ng aking puso at tanggapin ang kasalanan sa aking bibig na namatay ka sa krus, malaglag ang iyong mahalagang dugo para sa akin, at na itinaas mo ang Diyos mula sa patay. Tanungin ko mong dumating sa aking puso at maging Panginoon ng aking buhay. Salamat para sa pag-save sa akin, pagpuno sa akin gamit ang Iyong Espiritu, at pagsusulat ng aking pangalan sa aklat ng buhay ng Kordero ng! Manalangin ko ang panalangin sa Ama, sa pangalan ni Jesus. Amen.


Binabati kita! Kayo ngayon ay isang miyembro ng Katawan ni Cristo, at may mga pribilehiyo nito pagmimiyembro! Ang iyong kaligtasan "pakete" ang paglunas, pagpapalaya mula sa anumang bagay na pinananatiling ka nakatali, kasaganaan, kaligtasan, isang tunog isip, at lahat ng bagay makikita mo kailanman kailangan upang mabuhay ang isang pagtupad, kapakipakinabang, masaganang buhay! Higit sa anumang bagay, makakakuha ka ng upang tamasahin isang malapit na, malapit na kaugnayan sa iyong makalangit na Ama na lumikha sa iyo at nagmamahal sa iyo ganap at ganap! Magpakailanman Ikaw ay selyadong bilang minamahal na anak ng Diyos (Roma 10: 9, 10). Mayroon ka na ngayong buhay na walang hanggan! Langit ay ang iyong hinaharap bahay! Hallelujah!


Prayer Of Salvation In Different Languages--- English, Spanish, Franch, Hebrew, Pilipino, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Lgbo, Somali, Arabic, Hindi, Portuguese








Shèngjīng gàosù wǒmen zài tí duō shū 2:11 AMP,“kàn zài shàngdì de ēndiǎn (tā bùpèi dé de qīnglài hé zhùfú) chūmiàn (chūxiàn) cóng zuì'è de jiětuō hé jiùshú yǒnghéng quán rénlèi.” Shàngdì de ēndiǎnZuò jiù ēn de lǐwù tígōng jǐ dàjiā, bù zhǐshì shuí qù jiàotáng de rén.Zhè bāokuò nǐ!Méiyǒu shé me kěyǐ zuò, yǐ zhuàn qǔ zhěngjiù shénme.Suǒyǒu nǐ xūyào zuò de shì tōngguò xìnxīn jiēshòu tā.Luómǎ shū 10:9,AMP, shuō,“yīnwèi rúguǒ nǐ chéngrèn, chéngrèn nǐ de zuǐchún yēsū shì zhǔ, nǐ de xīnzàng xiāngxìn (jiānchí, xìnrèn hé yīkào de zhēnlǐ), shàngdì cóng sǐ lǐ fùhuó, nǐJiāng bèi bǎocún.“Gěi nǐ de shēnghuó jīdū shì nǐ yǒngyuǎn zuò zuì hǎo de, zuì zhòngyào de juédìng.Suǒyǐ, rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng jiēshòu yēsū jīdū zuòwéi nǐ de zhǔ hé gèrén de jiù zhǔ, qídǎo zhège jiǎndān de dǎogào xiànzài:


Zhěngjiù dǎogào


Zhǔ yēsū, wǒ chéngrèn wǒ shì yīgè zuìrén.Wǒ chànhuǐ wǒ de zuì, wǒ qǐng nǐ zǒu jìn wǒ de shēnghuó, yuánliàng wǒ suǒyǒu de zuì wǒ.Wǒ xiànzài yuànyì jiēshòu wǒ de yuánliàng.Wǒ qiǎnzé wǒ de guòqù, wǒ suǒguò de shēnghuó.Wǒ xiāngxìn yòng wǒ suǒyǒu de xīnzàng, chéngrèn yǔ wǒ de zuǐ, nǐ sǐ zài shízìjià shàng, liúxiàle nín bǎoguì de xuè duì wǒ lái shuō, shàngdì cóng sǐ lǐ fùhuó nǐ.Wǒ wèn nǐ jìnrù wǒ de xīnzàng, shì wǒ shēngmìng de zhǔ.Xièxiè nǐ jiùle wǒ, yòng nǐ de líng tiánbǔle wǒ, xiě wǒ de míngzì zài gāoyáng shēngmìng cè!Wǒ qídǎo zhège dǎogào de fùqīn zài yēsū de míng.Āmén.


Gōngxǐ!Nǐ xiànzài shì jīdū de shēntǐ de chéngyuán, huìyuán yǒu tèquán!Nǐ de jiùshú “tàocān”, bāokuò yīzhì, shìfàng láizì rènhé yīzhí bǎochí nǐ de yuēshù, fánróng, ānquán, jiànquán de tóunǎo, nǐ yǒngyuǎn xūyào huó dé chōngshí, yǒuyìyì, shēngmìng fēngfù de yīqiè!Zuì zhòngyào de shì, nǐ kěyǐ xiǎngshòu qīnmì, qīnmì de guānxì yǔ nǐ de tiān fù shuí chuàngzàole nǐ, ài nǐ, wánquán, chèdǐ!Nǐ yǒngyuǎn fēngcún zuòwéi shén de xīn'ài de háizi (luómǎ shū 10:9,10).Xiànzài nǐ dé yǒngshēng!Tiāntáng shì nǐ wèilái de jiā!Hā lì lù yà!








Bibliya govorit nam v Titu 2:11, AMP, "Ibo yavilas' blagodat' Bozhiya (Yego nezasluzhennoye blagovoleniye i blagosloveniye) prishel vpered (poyavilsya) dlya izbavleniya ot grekha i vechnogo spaseniya dlya vsego chelovechestva." Blagodat' Bozhiya sdelal dar spaseniya dostupen dlya vsekh, a ne tol'ko tekh lyudey, kotoryye khodyat v tserkov'. Eto vklyuchayet v sebya vy! Tam net nichego, chto vy mozhete sdelat', chtoby zasluzhit' spaseniye. Vse, chto vam nuzhno sdelat', eto poluchit' yego po vere. Rimlyanam 10: 9, AMP, govorit, "Potomu chto, yesli vy priznayete i priznat'sya vashikh gub, chto Iisus yest' Gospod' i v serdtse tvoyem veryu (priderzhivat'sya, verit' v, i polagat'sya na pravdu), chto Bog voskresil Yego iz mertvykh, to budut sokhraneny. "otdat' svoyu zhizn' Khristu yavlyayetsya luchshim i samym vazhnym resheniyem vy budete kogda-libo delat'. Tak chto, yesli vy khotite prinyat' Iisusa Khrista kak svoyego Gospoda i svoyego lichnogo Spasitelya, pomolites' etoy prostoy molitvoy pryamo seychas:


Molitva o spasenii


Gospod' Iisus Khristos, ya priznayu, chto ya greshnik. YA raskaivayus' za moi grekhi, i ya proshu vas priyti v moyu zhizn' i prosti mne vse moi grekhi. YA poluchu proshcheniye seychas. YA osuzhdayu svoye proshloye i zhizn', chto ya zhil. YA veryu vsem serdtsem i ispoveduyem ustami moimi, chto vy umerli na kreste, prolil svoy dragotsennuyu krov' za menya, i chto Bog voskresil vas iz mertvykh. YA proshu, chtoby vy prishli v moye serdtse i byt' Gospod' moyey zhizni. Spasibo, chto spas menya, zapolnyaya menya Tvoim Dukhom, i pisat' moye imya v knige zhizni u Agntsa! YA molyus' etoy molitvoy k Ottsu, vo imya Iisusa. Amin'.


Pozdravlyayem! Vy seychas chlenom Tela Khristova, i chlenstvo imeyet svoi privilegii! Vashe spaseniye "paket" vklyuchayet v sebya istseleniye, osvobozhdeniye ot vsego, chto zastavil vas svyazany, protsvetaniye, bezopasnost', zdravyy um, i vse, chto vam kogda-nibud' ponadobitsya, chtoby zhit' polnotsennoy, nagrazhdeniye, zhizn' s izbytkom! Bol'she vsego, vy poluchayete vozmozhnost' nasladit'sya tesnyye, intimnyye otnosheniya s vashim Nebesnym Ottsom, Kto sotvoril vas i lyubit vas tselikom i polnost'yu! Vy navsegda zapechatany kak lyubimogo rebenka Boga (Rimlyanam 10: 9, 10). Teper' vy imeyete zhizn' vechnuyu! Nebesa vash budushchiy dom! Alliluyya!













The Bible na-agwa anyị na Titus 2:11, AMP, "N'ihi na amara nke Chineke (Ya unmerited ihu ọma na ngọzi) ka na-abịa n'ihu (pụtara) n'ihi na nnapụta n'aka mmehie na nzọpụta ebighị ebi maka ihe niile a kpọrọ mmadụ." Amara nke Chineke nwere mere onyinye nke nzọpụta dị ka onye ọ bụla, ọ bụghị nanị ndị na-aga chọọchị. Nke a na-agụnye gị! E nweghị ihe ọ bụ i nwere ike ime iji na-akpata nzọpụta. Ihe niile i nwere ime bụ na-enweta ya site n'okwukwe. Rom 10: 9, AMP, kwuru, sị, "n'ihi na ọ bụrụ na ị na-ekweta na-ekwupụta na na egbugbere ọnụ gị na Jizọs bụ Onyenwe anyị nakwa obi gị kwere (rube, na-atụkwasị obi, ma na-adabere eziokwu) na Chineke kpọlitere ya n'ọnwụ, ị ga-azọpụta. "Inye Kraịst ndụ gị bụ ihe kasị mma na nke kasị mkpa mkpebi ị ga-eme. Ya mere, ọ bụrụ na ị ga-amasị enweta Jizọs Kraịst dị ka Onyenwe gị na Personal Onye Nzọpụta,-ekpe ekpere a mfe ekpere ugbu a:



Ekpere nke Nzọpụta



Onyenwe anyị Jizọs Kraịst, m na-ekweta na m onye mmehie. M chegharịa n'ihi na m na mmehie m na m na-arịọ gị ka ị bịa n'ime ndụ m na-agbaghara m niile m na mmehie m. M na-enweta m mgbaghara ugbu a. M akatọ m n'oge gara aga na ndụ m na-ebi ndụ. M kwere na obi m nile na-ekwupụta na na ọnụ m na I nwụrụ n'obe, na-wụsịrị gị dị oké ọnụ ahịa ọbara m, na Chineke na-akpọlite ​​gị na ndị nwụrụ anwụ. M na-arịọ gị ka ị bịa n'ime obi m na-abụ Onyenwe nke ndụ m. Ekele dịrị Gị maka azọpụta m, na-ejuputa m na mmụọ gị, na-ede aha m na Nwa Atụrụ ahụ n'akwụkwọ nke ndụ! M na-ekpe ekpere a na-ekpe ekpere Nna, na aha Jesus. Amen.



Ekele! Ị bụ now a so Isi nke Kraịst, na otu nwere ya ùgwù! Nzọpụta gị "ngwugwu" na-agụnye ọgwụgwọ, nnapụta site ihe ọ bụla na-edebe gị agbụ, ọganihu, nchekwa, a uche zuru okè, na ihe niile ị mgbe chọrọ ibi ndụ a afọ ojuju, na-akwụghachi ụgwọ, ukwuu ná ndụ! More karịa ihe ọ bụla, ị ga-esi na-enwe nso, mmekọrịta chiri anya Nna unu nke eluigwe na onye kere gị na hụrụ gị n'anya kpam kpam! Ị na-ruo mgbe ebighị ebi kaa akara dị ka ndị Chineke hụrụ n'anya na nwa (Ndị Rom 10: 9, 10). Ị nwere ndụ ebighị ebi! Eluigwe bụ gị ga-eme n'ọdịnihu obibi! Hallelujah!








Baybalku wuxuu noo sheegayaa in Tiitos 2:11, SOM, "Waayo,nimcadii Ilaah (fadligiisa mutaysan iyo Nabigu), ayaa soo baxaan (ka soo muuqday) u baxsada dembiga ka iyo badbaadada weligeed ah ee aadanaha oo dhan." Nimcada Ilaah leeyahay sameeyey hadiyadda badbaadada laga heli karaa in qof walba, dad ma ahan oo keliya kuwa ka qayb kiniisadda. Tani waxaa ka mid ah inaad! Ma jiraan wax aad sameyn karto si ay u helaan badbaado ka. All inaad sameyso waa ay u helaan rumaysadka. Romans 10: 9, SOM, ayaa sheegay, "Sababtoo ah haddii aad qirayaa oo qiran la bushimahaaga in Ciise yahay Rabbiga iyo aad qalbiga ka aaminsan yihiin (hogaansamo, isku halleeya, oo ay ku tiirsan yihiin runta) oo ah in Ilaah isaga ka sara kiciyey kuwii dhintay, waad waa badbaadi doonaa. "noloshaada Siinta in Masiixu waa go'aanka ugu wanaagsan oo ugu muhiimsan ee aad abid ka dhigi doonaa. Sidaa darteed, haddii aad jeceshahay in aad hesho Ciise Masiix sida Eebahaa iyo Personal Badbaadiyeheenna ah, baryadan ku baryo fudud oo hadda:



Salaada Salvation



Rabbigeenna Ciise Masiix, waxaan qirayaa in aan ahay dembiile. Anigu waxaan Toobad keeni dembiyadayda oo aan Waxaad weydiisan inay u soo galeen noloshayda iyo ii Dambi Dhaaf ee dembiyadayda oo dhan iga. Waxaan heli ii dambi dhaaf hadda. Waxaan dhaleecaynayaa aan la soo dhaafay iyo nolosha aan ku noolaa. Waxaan aaminsanahay qalbigayga oo dhan iyo qiran la afkayga in Waxaad ku dul dhintay macatabka, daadin dhiig Your qaali ah aniga iyo in Ilaah aad sara kiciyey kuwii dhintay. Waxaan Waxaad weydiisan inuu yimaado qalbigayga geliyey oo noqon Eebaha noloshayda. Waxaad ku mahadsan tahay i badbaadiyo, ii buuxinta Kartid Ruuxa, oo magacayga qoraal ee Wanka kitaabka nolosha! Waxaan baryadan ku baryo Aabbaha, ee magaca Ciise. Aamiin.



Hambalyo! Adigu hadda waxaad tahay xubin ka mid ah jidhka Masiixa, oo xubin ka leedahay mudnaanta ahaa! Your badbaadada "xidhmo" waxaa ka mid ah bogsashada, badbaadada laga heli wax kasta oo uu hayaa aad ku xidhay, barwaaqo, nabadgelyada, Dhimirkiisu dhan yahay, iyo wax kasta oo aad abid baahan doontaa in aad ku nooshahay ku qanacsan yahay, abaal-marin, nolol badan! In ka badan wax, aad ka heli inay ku raaxaystaan ​​dhow, xiriirka dhow la leh Aabbihiinna jannada ku jira kan idin ka abuuray oo aad u jecel yahay gebi iyo gebi! Waxa aad weligiis Daboolo sida ilmaha la jecelyahay Ilaah (Rooma 10: 9, 10). Waxaad hadda uu lahaado nolosha weligeed ah! Samadu waa gurigaaga mustaqbalka! Lahaayeen, Halleeluuya;








يخبرنا الكتاب المقدس في تيتوس 2:11، AMP، "لنعمة الله (صاحب صالح غير مستحق والبركة) ويتقدم (ظهر) للخلاص من الخطيئة والخلاص الأبدي للبشرية جمعاء." نعمة الله جعل هدية الخلاص متاحة للجميع، وليس فقط الناس الذين يحضرون الكنيسة. ويشمل هذا لك! لا يوجد شيء يمكنك القيام به لكسب الخلاص. كل ما عليك القيام به هو الحصول عليها عن طريق الايمان. رومية 10: 9، AMP، ويقول "، لأنه إذا كنت تقر وأعترف مع شفتيك أن يسوع هو الرب وفي قلبك نعتقد (الالتزام، والثقة في، وتعتمد على الحقيقة) أن الله أقامه من الأموات، ل سيتم حفظ. "إعطاء حياتك للمسيح هو أفضل وأهم قرار سوف تجعل من أي وقت مضى. لذا، إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول يسوع المسيح ربا ومخلصا الشخصية، صلي هذه الصلاة بسيطة الآن:



صلاة الخلاص



الرب يسوع المسيح، أعترف أنني آثم. أتوب عن خطاياي وأنا أسألك أن يدخل حيز حياتي، واغفر لي جميع خطاياي. أنا أستلم مغفرة الآن. I تنسحب من بلدي الماضي والحياة التي عشت. أعتقد من كل قلبي واعترف مع فمي أنك مات على الصليب، يسفك الدم الثمين لديك بالنسبة لي، وأن الله أقامه من بين الأموات أنت. أسألك أن يدخل حيز قلبي ويكون الرب في حياتي. شكرا لإنقاذ لي، وملء لي مع روحك، وكتابة اسمي في كتاب حمل في الحياة! أنا أصلي هذه الصلاة إلى الآب، في اسم يسوع. آمين.



تهانينا! أنت الآن عضو في جسد المسيح، وعضوية لها امتيازاتها! خلاصك "حزمة" يتضمن الشفاء، والنجاة من أي شيء الذي أبقى لك ملزمة، والرخاء، والسلامة، والعقل السليم، وكل ما تحتاج إليه من أي وقت مضى ليعيش الوفاء، مجزية، الحياة وفيرة! أكثر من أي شيء، لتحصل على التمتع وثيقة، وعلاقة حميمة مع الخاص بك الآب السماوي الذي خلقكم ويحبك تماما وتماما! كنت مختومة إلى الأبد كما الحبيب الطفل الله (رومية 10: 9، 10). لديك الآن الحياة الأبدية! السماء هو منزلك في المستقبل! سبحان الله!






A Bíblia nos diz em Tito 2:11, AMP, "Porque a graça de Deus (seu favor imerecido e Bênção) veio para a frente (apareceu) para a libertação do pecado e da salvação eterna para toda a humanidade." A graça de Deus se Feito o dom da salvação disponível a todos, não apenas as pessoas que freqüentam a Igreja. Isso inclui você! Não há nada que você pode fazer para ganhar a salvação. Tudo que você tem a fazer é recebê-lo pela fé. Romanos 10: 9, AMP, diz: "Porque, se você reconhecer e confessar com a tua boca que Jesus é Senhor e crer em seu coração (aderir, confiar e contar com a verdade) que Deus o ressuscitou dentre os mortos, você será salvo. "Dando a sua vida a Cristo é a melhor e mais importante decisão que você vai fazer Ever. Então, se você gostaria de receber Jesus Cristo como seu Senhor e Salvador pessoal, esta simples oração agora:



Oração de Salvação



Senhor Jesus Cristo, eu reconheço que sou um pecador. Arrependo-me pelos meus pecados e peço que entre em minha vida e perdoe-me de todos os meus pecados. Eu recebo o meu perdão agora. Eu denuncio meu passado e a vida que eu vivi. Eu acredito com todo o meu coração e confessar com minha boca que morreu na cruz, derramou Seu sangue precioso para mim, e que Deus ressuscitou dentre os mortos Você. Eu peço para entrar no meu coração e ser o Senhor da minha vida. Obrigado por me salvar, me encher com o Seu Espírito, e escrever o meu nome no livro da vida do Cordeiro! I Faça esta oração ao Pai, em nome de Jesus. Amém.



Parabéns! Você agora é um membro do Corpo de Cristo, e filiação tem seus privilégios! O seu "pacote" Salvation inclui cura, libertação de qualquer coisa que você tenha mantido ligado, Prosperidade, segurança, uma mente sã, e tudo que você precisa para viver uma, gratificante vida cumprindo sempre abundante! Mais do que tudo, você começa a desfrutar de um relacionamento próximo e íntimo com seu Pai Celestial que você criou e te ama total e completamente! Você é de Deus amado para sempre selado como criança (Romanos 10: 9, 10). Agora você tem a vida eterna! O céu é o seu futuro lar! Aleluia!







Bā'ibala paramēśvara kā anugraha hōtā hai"bhagavāna kē anugraha (apanē nāhaka pakṣa aura āśīrvāda) āgē ānā pāpa sē mukti aura sabhī mānava jāti kē li'ē ananta ud'dhāra kē li'ē (darśana) kī hai. Kē li'ē", ṭā'iṭasa 02:11, Ē'ēmapī mēṁ hamēṁ batātā hai Carca mēṁ bhāga hai jō na sirpha lōgōṁ kō hara kisī kē li'ē mukti kē upahāra upalabdha karāyā. Isakā matalaba hai āpa bhī śāmila hai! Āpa mukti kamānē kē li'ē kucha nahīṁ kara sakatā hai. Āpa sabhī kō hai viśvāsa kē dvārā isē prāpta hai. Rōmana 10: 9, Tuma bhagavāna mr̥takōṁ mēṁ sē usē uṭhāyā ki svīkāra karatē haiṁ aura yīśu prabhu hai ki apanē hōṇṭha kē sātha kabūla karanē aura apanē dila mēṁ viśvāsa (kā pālana karanē mēṁ viśvāsa hai, aura saccā'ī para bharōsā karatē haiṁ) kyōṅki agara ē'ēmapī, kahatē haiṁ, ", āpa Sahējā jā'ēgā. "Masīha kē li'ē apanē jīvana dē āpa kabhī bhī kara dēṅgē sabasē acchā aura sabasē mahatvapūrṇa nirṇaya hai. Āpa apanē prabhu aura ud'dhārakartā kē rūpa mēṁ vyaktigata rūpa yīśu masīha prāpta karanā cāhatē haiṁ tō, agara aba ṭhīka hai, isa sādhāraṇa prārthanā:



Mukti kī prārthanā



Prabhu yīśu masīha, mujhē lagatā hai maiṁ ēka pāpī hūm̐ ki svīkāra karatē haiṁ. Maiṁ apanē pāpōṁ kē li'ē paścātāpa aura maiṁ apanē jīvana mēṁ ātē haiṁ aura mērē sārē pāpōṁ kā mujhē māpha karanē kē li'ē āpa sē pūchanā. Aba maiṁ apanē māphī prāpta karatē haiṁ. Maiṁ apanē atīta aura maiṁ rahatā hai ki jīvana kī nindā. Maiṁ saba mērē dila kē sātha viśvāsa karatē haiṁ aura āpa krūsa para mr̥tyu hō ga'ī ki mērē mum̐ha sē kabūla hai, mērē li'ē apanā kīmatī khūna bahāyā hai, aura paramēśvara marē hu'ōṁ mēṁ sē uṭhāyā hai. Maiṁ apanē dila mēṁ ā'ī aura mērē jīvana kā prabhu hōnē kē li'ē āpa sē pūchanā. , Mujhē bacānē tumhārī ātmā kē sātha mujhē bharanē, aura jīvana kē mēmanē kī kitāba mēṁ mērā nāma likhanē kē li'ē dhan'yavāda! Maiṁ yīśu kē nāma, pitā kē li'ē isa prārthanā prārthanā karō. Āmīna.



Badhā'ī hō! Aba āpa masīha kē śarīra kē ēka sadasya haiṁ, aura sadasyatā apanē viśēṣādhikāra hai! Apanē ud'dhāra"paikēja" āpa ēka pūrā kabhī, puraskr̥ta, pracura mātrā mēṁ jīvana jīnē kī āvaśyakatā hōgī hīliṅga, samr̥d'dhi, āpa bādhya kara rakhā hai ki kucha bhī sē mukti, surakṣā, ēka svastha mana, aura saba kucha śāmila hai! Adhika sē adhika kucha hai, tō āpa āpanē banāyā hai aura pūrī taraha sē aura pūrī taraha sē tumhēṁ pyāra karatā hai, jō apanē svargīya pitā kē sātha ēka karībī, antaraṅga sambandha kā ānanda milatā hai! Tuma bhagavāna kī prēmikā hamēśā kē li'ē baccē kē rūpa mēṁ (: 9, 10 Rōmana 10) kō sīla kara rahē haiṁ. Aba āpa ananta jīvana hai! Svarga apanē bhaviṣya kē li'ē ghara hai! Hē bhagavāna!







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