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 21 Days of Fasting 


During the fast, you may eat the following ONLY:

  • Berries

  • Grains

  • Vegetables

  • Protein Powder Drinks

  • Water

While on the fast:

  • No television

  • No movies

  • No computer (unless work related)

The Prayer Objectives are:

  • The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

  • Favor

  • Salvation of Souls

  • Healing

  • Revival

  • Great Awakening

  • Wealth Transference



21 Day Fasting Instructions

  • No Fast Foods

  • No Fried Foods

  • No Beef

  • No Pork

  • No Bread

  • No Desserts

  • No Carbonated Drinks

  • No Sweet Drinks

  • No Orange Juice or Apple Juice

  • No Eating after 6:30 pm or 3 1/2 hours before bed time

  • Only two (2) hours of television per day (This applies to week days only.)



21 Day Fasting Instructions

  • Drink only water.

    • You may mix health food supplement (protein mix/green food)

  • You can eat all meat except pork and shell fish.

  • No white foods at all.

  • No fast food.

    • Not even salads from a fast food establishment.

  • No fried foods.

  • No white sugar.

    • No desserts

  • No breads of any kind.

    • No Ezekiel bread

    • No wheat bread

  • No eating after 6:30 PM.

  • Only two (2) hours of television per day.

  • Fruit -berries only.


If you can make smoothies without juices and no white sugar, help yourself.

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