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Prayer to Help You Take Care of a Loved One With Alzheimer's/Dementia


Prayer to Help You Take Care of a Loved One with Alzheimer's or Dementia
Lord I come to you, with such feelings of inadequacy. I have no idea what today will bring. I know only that I will have to react quickly, as I take stock of each situation as it arises. Help me Lord to see what I will need to give _____ the best possible care that I can give, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Lord lead me in prayer for _____ (Romans 8:26). She/he is still your child Lord, and all your children still have you to watch over them. I may not be able to reach her/him Lord, but you can. Show me the right way to communicate with _____. Lord listen to my prayer as this child now prepares to become the parent. I ask you Lord for patience when I do the most challenging tasks, bathing, feeding, especially when am exhausted myself. Please let me be humble compassionate, tolerant, committed with unending love, the kind that you give to us (Jeremiah 31:3). In Jesus I Name I pray. Amen

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