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       Prayer to Pray for Someone Who is a Caretaker

      • Prayer to Pray for Someone Who is a Caretaker Heavenly Father, I bring ______ before You and I am praying for ______ as they commits themselves to the caring of someone that can no longer care for themselves. I know Lord that they do not see themselves as a hero but I do. Please give _____ the strength to do all the things that are required of her/him during the care of a person that is a believer and is still a child of Your Creation, no matter their limitations. There are going to be times Lord that _____ will feel that no one cares and that he/she is all alone. I ask You Lord, to make Your presence known to them and show them that they are never alone and You are there to hold them up when he/she needs it. Lord when ______ is feeling that they can’t possibly do all that needs to be done give them Lord the freedom to ask for help. Lord if they need to place them in a nursing home I ask that You will be there to bring them comfort when they make such a heartbreaking decision. Give them the peace that they will need to know that they have made the right decision. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen


       Prayer for the Caretaker Struggling with Past Bitterness

      • Prayer for the Caretaker Struggling With Past Bitterness Heavenly Father, Thank You for being my strength daily. You know the past between _______ and me, the abusive way they treated me. Yet, now I find myself caring for their needs, as they can no longer care for themselves. You’ve seen the bitterness and resentment that rises up in my heart at times. Sometimes the enemy comes to torment me with memories from the past. Lord, there have been times when I just wanted to walk away and be done with caring for _______. In Your word it says blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. (Matt. 5:7) Lord, I wish to always be merciful to _______, not just for my sake but for Your name’s sake. It is written in Matthew 6:15 that if I don’t forgive others the Father will not forgive me. Help me Lord to be like You, kind, tender hearted and forgiving. (Eph. 4:32) I know Your word says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Phil. 4:13) I thank You that as I stand on Your word, I can claim the victory now. I am willing to be changed into Your likeness, and that’s what I want _______ and all others to see in me, Jesus with skin on. In Jesus name, amen.


       Prayer to Help You Take Care of a Loved One With Alzheimer’s/Dementia

      • Prayer to Help You Take Care of a Loved One with Alzheimer’s or Dementia Lord I come to You, with such feelings of inadequacy. I have no idea what today will bring. I know only that I will have to react quickly, as I take stock of each situation as it arises. Help me Lord to see what I will need to give _____ the best possible care that I can give, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Lord lead me in prayer for _____ (Romans 8:26). She/he is still Your child Lord, and all Your children still have You to watch over them. I may not be able to reach her/him Lord, but You can. Show me the right way to communicate with _____. Lord listen to my prayer as this child now prepares to become the parent. I ask You Lord for patience when I do the most challenging tasks, bathing, feeding, especially when am exhausted myself. Please let me be humble compassionate, tolerant, committed with unending love, the kind that you give to us (Jeremiah 31:3). In Jesus I Name I pray. Amen


       Prayer for a Loved One With Alzheimer’s/Dementia

      • Prayer for Dealing With a Loved One With Alzheimer’s/Dementia Dear Lord, please grant me tolerance for _____’s confusion. I ask You Lord to forgive those that do not understand his/her irrationality and forgive me Lord when I can’t understand it myself. Lord, give me the strength to take her/his hand and stay awhile and walk with me as I give _____ the very best of me that I have to give, just as she/he gave to me. Help me Lord to walk in the midst of the memories that their world has become. Please give me the strength to sit with them even though they seem unaware of my presence. Make me strong Lord in the days, months or years ahead when my strength and loving care may become harder to sustain (Isaiah 41:10). I know Lord that only you can get me through those days (Philippians 4:3). I pray Lord that when she/he will no longer recognize me let her/him know Lord that I am here to give them comfort even if they don’t know who I am. Lord always give ______ a sense of being loved even though this relentless illness is trying to steal their feelings of love and companionship that so much want for them to feel. In all the unknowns of their life Lord, I know that You can somehow make Your presence known which will bring comfort to them when nothing else can. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen






           Prayer for Those Who are in Managed Care Facilities/Nursing Homes

          • Prayer for Those Who are in Managed Care Facilities Dear Heavenly Father, I ask You to send Your mighty warring angels to those who are in the nursing homes and managed care facilities. They break my heart Lord. I see myself in them. Convict the hearts of their families Lord that they will understand that they still need their visits, their words, their care and their compassion. Surround them Lord with others that understand them. Surround them with loving nurses, doctors and caretakers. I know Lord that even if the world has forgotten them that you haven’t. Let Your presence be manifested to them so they will know that it is You. If they have not accepted You as their Lord and Savior let them do so before it is too late. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen


               Angelic Protection Prayer

              • Angels For Protection Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, I ask You to loose Your angels in great abundance in my presence, into my home, properties, buildings, and work places to protect me, guard me, and to keep out anything that is not of You, Lord Jesus. Heavenly Father, I ask You to create a hedge of protection by loosing Your Mighty Warring angels around me, my home, work places and every place that I set my feet on this day to protect me from any evil or harm. In Jesus Christ Holy Name we pray. Amen!




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