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Numbers 6:23-26 Blessing Prayer


Numbers 6:23-26 Blessings To Prayer Over Others 
Heavenly Father, in Christ Jesus' Holy Name, I pray that You will bless us and You will keep us. I pray that You will make Your Face shine upon us and be gracious to us. I pray that You will lift up Your countenance upon us and fill us with Your Peace. Lord Jesus, I thank You for the blessings that you have already bestowed upon us. I ask You Lord, to cleanse our minds from all thoughts and preconceived ideas that do not conform to Your perfect Will and Destiny for our lives. I ask You, Lord to prevent our minds from deceiving us in any way by covering us with Your Precious Blood that we may believe and think in Your Will for our lives. In the Name of Jesus, I pray this blessing with thanksgiving and I thank You Lord for giving us the blessing that is talked about in Your Word in Numbers 6:23-26. To God be the Glory. Amen!

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