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My name is Melvin Horn, and I am 23 years old from Dallas, Texas born and raised. I grew up living with my wonderful grandmother who I look up to when life’s troubles come my way. I attended church at New Jerusalem Holy Temple, and my experience there was amazing. Many young teens decided to turn their lives over to Jesus Christ, and confess to serve him only. It was so amazing to the point that I myself decided to get saved. 

My whole life changed, and I started to grow a desire to go out and help the homeless, and preach God’s word to them. I was born in 1992, and God has been providing for me ever since I was a baby, and today he is still providing for me and my family. I have one brother, and two sisters who I truly love very much with all of my heart. I became a Christian back in 2012, and my life has been amazing, and God is performing mighty miracles in my life. Even when I was going through a storm God was still doing miracles in the midst of that storm Amen.


Now before I became a Christian, I had already believeth that there is a God. When I was at the age of 6 my big cousin passed away, and my family and I went to his funeral. But when we all came back to the house to have a celebration dinner… me and my brother feel asleep on the couch. My mom picked us up and curry us up stares to my grandmother’s bedroom, and she laid us down on the bed. My brother was in a deep sleep, but I woke up because I had to go to the bathroom, but I was too afraid to move because it was extremely dark, and we all know that when you are a child you start to fear the dark. 

The room got colder and colder. In my mind i was saying to myself, "I am so scared I just don’t want to move, and plus facing the closet door made me even more afraid." I couldn’t blink my eyes, nor turn to the other side of the bed, so as I was staring at the closet door… it started to opened up by itself slowly, and then I saw my cousin coming out of the closet walking towards me. When my mother came back up the stairs to check on me and my brother… we both were laying on a pallet on the floor in a deep sleep. Till this day I still remember that night, and by seeing that spirit, there’s no excuse for me to not believe in God because what I seen was the other side. But lets go to the bible and see what it says about seeing our loved ones. Click Here---> 

How did I become a          believer

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