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How to Properly Fast


Fasting should be an integral part of every Christian’s life. It isn’t something we should only do annually as a church body; we should incorporate it into our lives on a regular basis. While it is important to participate in fasts as a church body, God is more concerned with us living a “fasted life” or a life that is submitted to the Word of God, rather than the dictates of the flesh. The actual practice of fasting is a great way to discipline our flesh and obtain spiritual clarity. It is often during a time of fasting that we are able to hear from God and receive His instructions more clearly and easily.

Fasting is the practice of giving up something our flesh wants and enjoys for the sake of enhancing our relationship with God and our ability to hear from Him. It is often done when we need to get direction from God in a particular area, or to simply develop a closer walk with Him. There is something about denying the flesh what it wants, that releases the power of God in our lives like never before.

There are many different kinds of fasts, the most common of which involves abstaining from certain kinds of food for a designated period of time. An absolute fast is one that involves not eating any kind of food at all, and in some cases, not drinking water, either. We can also fast from things that take our time and attention away from God, or feed our flesh more than they do our spirit. For example, some people may fast from television, social networking, or a particular activity that is distracting them. The key is to ask the Lord what it is you need to fast from in order to sharpen your spiritual senses and clear your mind and spirit of things that may be disrupting your fellowship with God.

The benefits of fasting are numerous. When partaking of a fast from food, the physical benefits will be obvious, which will include weight loss and the release of toxins from the body. Even more important are the spiritual benefits. Fasting, coupled with prayer, packs a powerful one-two punch that releases supernatural power over the enemy. For example, Mark 9:29 say this, in reference to demonic possession, “This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.” Simply put, there are certain spiritual victories that cannot be won unless prayer is coupled with fasting.

Do you have a persistent problem or situation that you can’t seem to find a solution for? The answer may lie in a time of prayer and fasting. Consider setting aside a time of consecration and sacrifice for the sake of seeking the Lord. You will find the answers you are looking for in the presence of God.

We must always remember, during a fast, the importance of praying and spending time reading the Word. This is the way we keep our spirits well “fed” in the absence of physical food. A fast without prayer and Bible study is simply a diet, and will not produce any kind of spiritual results. Be sure to set aside significant time for prayer and meditation on the Word during your fast.

Keep in mind that it is critical that we enter a fast with the right attitude. It should never be something we do because we want to appear more spiritual in front of other people. In fact, we should put on a happy face, clean ourselves up, and carry on with life as usual while fasting. Fasting is personal, between an individual and God. It is not something we do to prove anything to others. When we look for others to reward us for our spiritual deeds, that is the only reward we will get. God wants our motive to be fueled by a desire to please Him and be closer to Him. Then, our fast will be productive and powerful!

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