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Let God Choose


Many people want to rush into marriage. In fact, most single people think they aren't complete until they find "the one"—the perfect partner with whom they can share their innermost thoughts, dreams, fears and desires. There are also others who feel that there are voids in their lives or obstacles in their way that only a marriage relationship can resolve. What they fail to realize is that marriage is not a cure–all for what may be wrong in their lives. 

If you are single, I want to assure you that it is all right. In fact, being single is a wonderful time to seek God for His plan and purpose for your life and to gain understanding concerning your singleness. In doing so, not only will you become a confident individual, but you will learn to like and appreciate who you are. 


The word single means "separate, unique and whole." No one in the world will ever be just like you. Furthermore, being single is not a bad, negative or unhealthy state of being. And neither is it anything to be ashamed of; rather, it is something to be pursued, because it highlights your individuality and uniqueness! 

For example, consider your key ring. There are probably several different keys on it. Every key on that ring is unique, separate and whole in its purpose. Each one can open something that another one can't. The keys did not lose their ability when they were placed on a ring with others that functioned the same way. This is how you should see yourself—as a valuable part of a bigger picture. 

Wholeness will be a reality when you become confident in who you are. You know what you are supposed to be doing, and you are carrying out the plan of God for your life on purpose. It bothers me when I hear people say, "I'm looking for my better half." It is not God's plan for two halves to come together to make a whole. He desires for two "whole" people to marry so that they can reproduce, train and raise children who are emotionally and spiritually sound. 

It is dangerous to rush into relationships, especially marriage. Single people should allow God the time to prepare and present to them their mates. Adam, in his singleness, formed an intimate relationship with his Creator by spending his days communing with Him. In time, God created Eve and presented her to Adam. Likewise, you should follow Adam's lead and develop a closer relationship with God and seek His guidance and direction for your life. At the appointed time, He will present to you the mate of His choice. 

This is the month when couples around the world exchange romantic cards, candy, flowers and other gifts to celebrate their love. However, the sad part is many single people will join in the frenzy of this commercial "holiday of love." They will be swept away by romantic fantasies which quickly fade. But the good news is when God sends love your way, it will be lasting, fulfilling and complete. That is why I encourage you to allow Him to choose. 


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