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Grace to Do the Works of God


God created you for a good purpose, and that purpose is designed to bring Him pleasure and glory. Sometimes we can become so earthly-minded that we forget that we are first and foremost spiritual beings who were born again so that we can fulfill a destiny and calling from God. Every gift, talent, and ability God has given us is for the specific purpose of ultimately glorifying Him. The paths that He has preplanned for us are good paths that lead to abundance. The grace of God on our lives gives us the ability to do everything He has called us to do as we allow our steps to be ordered by Him.


Revelation 4:11 says, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” God has created us to do good works, and the works of God that we are ordained to carry out can only be done through our relationship with Jesus Christ. The grace of God is the catalyst that enables us to do these things.

Understanding how grace flows in our lives is critical to being able to access it so that we can do the things that glorify God. Everything from living holy lives to fulfilling our individual assignments requires the grace of God. Grace is the supernatural ability of God that empowers us to live in a way that pleases God and to serve Him acceptably. This power is available to every Believer; it is resident in our recreated spirits. We don’t have to try to accomplish things in our own strength when we have a revelation of what we possess inside of us. In fact, God will never let us compete with His grace. When we try to do things in our own ability, we are actually operating in pride because we are essentially saying that our way is better than God’s way. Even as it relates to changing certain negative behaviors we may be involved in, will power is not the answer. God has empowered us to overcome our flesh through His grace so we don’t have to rely on ourselves to get the job done.

The process of releasing the grace of God to do the works of God begins with the Word of God. Grace comes through faith and faith is obtained in the Word. Therefore, in order to have the faith to activate grace, we must immerse ourselves in the Scriptures and meditate on the truth about grace. The more we begin to renew our minds to the supernatural ability of God that is available to us, the more our faith in grace will grow in our hearts. When grace is appropriated, power is released, and we get results in our lives.

The principle of activating the grace of God can be applied to any and everything pertaining to our Christian lives. Anything we have to accomplish for the kingdom and everything we are called to do and be can be achieved through this grace. There is a grace for every assignment and instruction God has called us to carry out on this earth.

There may be something you are feeling led to do that is going to require the grace of God. He may have given you an idea or concept that is going to impact many lives. Remember that grace and faith are connected, and faith comes from the Word of God. When you find out what the Bible says about the issues, or you receive a spoken Word from God that confirms what you are setting out to do, the grace of God will hover over that endeavor, giving you ultimate success and maximum results.

Second Corinthians 12:9, 10 says, “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.” Whenever you feel weak or incapable of carrying out what God has called you to do, even as it relates to obeying His Word, remember that the power of Christ is inside you, strengthening you. His strength is the grace you need to be successful. It doesn’t matter if all of hell comes against you; God’s grace is sufficient. Act on your faith by doing a corresponding action in line with what you believe, and grace will put you over the top. Get yourself out of the way so God’s power can work in you and through you to do what He has called you to do.

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