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#3 Dangers of Un-forgiveness in Our Hearts (Teaching)

Why un-forgiveness is so dangerous and "Why Pray for Forgiveness! “Our Father in Heaven sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of this world as an act of love, displaying His great loving kindness and mercy for all, that none shall perish but come into Life Eternal with Him. We have to receive and walk in that. Notice the conjunction "and" that is like the connection between a train engine and a car that follows. These statements are together and the last part just as important as the first. We have a part to believe God at His Word, receive His Word, and obey by doing the same. God's Word to us clearly states in Matthew 6:15, "But if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Heavenly Father forgive your trespasses." I don't care how "SAVED", Born again", "Reconciled to God" , or Spirit Filled, you think you are, God will not break, or overlook His Word to us, that is if we do not forgive others, He will not forgive us!


God is not a respecter of persons, in other words, we all go the same way, with Him or we are opposed to Him. Remember this if you have a controversy with God, try to keep in mind that He is always right, and He is God, and there is no shadow of turning in Him. Your "rights", when you became His child through receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, is to be in right standing with Him through love and obedience to Him, His Word, and His Spirit. All three are one. (See John 1:1-14) Here are some hints that alert us that we have un-forgiveness: anger, wrong thoughts or attitudes, resistance to the Word or God, dislike, grudges, retaliation, disrespect, resistance, hurt, anguish, rebellion, arthritis, and I am sure there are more tale signs. How to Deal with Un-forgiveness: THE ANSWER is found in God's Word, Luke 6:37, "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:" One of the greatest hindrances to forgiving is "self".

  1. I am right I can't be wrong.

  2. They hurt me: physically, mentally, emotionally, feelings, justification etc. The devil loves to ride in and use whatever to neutralize our effectiveness.When I have un-forgiveness I have discovered I don't hear God as correctly as I thought I have. (That is scary, troubling and bothers me!) IT IS NOT WORTH IT!!! We are called to be a kernel of wheat that falls into the Earth, and dies to itself and allow God to bring forth New Life, the Life of a Heavenly kind, but when we have the "mote" or beam or spear of "self", "I", of self-righteousness (self-right- ness run up our human flag pole and parading it around because we are right and God's gift and answer to the world, how can I be wrong, I have the right to revenge, then we are grossly DECEIVED!!!) What is your excuse? Do you think God buys into that stuff? Let me guess, you and God have this "understanding". If you believe that, then you are up to your arm pits in something that God's doesn't like! This message probably offends you. UNFORGIVENESS is a horrible sin in God's eyes. Is it forgivable? ABSOLUTELY!!! The Blood of Jesus was shed to cover it but you have to receive it! HOW? Step out in faith of the Son of God in obedience to Him and His Way of "Being", He is in you as a child of God (Galatians 2:20)


  1. Confess your sins and any un-forgiveness before the Lord.

  2. Forgive the other person "in faith", because you cannot go on feelings or emotions.

  3. Ask the Lord to forgive them.

  4. Ask the Lord to bless that person in the way He wants them blessed.

  5. Bless them yourself.

  6. If you don't know what upset them Find Out what offended them and apologize, so you can win them to the Lord by sharing about Christ or give them one of these books, that is standing on God's Word and being perfect as Your Heavenly Father is Perfect! (Matthew 5:48) If they are deceased, then know this, God hears you, confess it to Him and totally receive your forgiveness from God, and forgive yourself! Having done all, trust God with it, that person, don't pick it back up, up if you have placed it in the Lord's Hand's. God puts it in a sea of forgetfulness! Why would you want to remind God of it? He is probably saying "What is that? Oh don't you remember son/daughter, you brought that to me and I forgave you back then!" Let it go!" Now move on, stop beating yourself up over things in the past you have given to God! God desires restoration. You are not a "door mat" for people or yourself to beat! Not all relationships will be the same as before with people. God has to work with them and it takes others time, sometimes. Give them room to heal. Be determined to continue to grow in God's favor NOW, have a clean conscience, and move forward in Christ and while you are at it forgive yourself, because you are a person He dearly loves too! Walk in the Light as He is in the Light of His mercy and grace to you! It is amazing what God can get accomplished in our lives when we go with His plan and don't stick our wrench in the way as He is helping us. Love Him and obey, there is no other way to be happy in Jesus than to Trust and Obey!

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